My Story
My name is Marissa and I am the photographer behind Baby Steps Photography! First off let me just say I dread talking about myself, haha. I feel so awkward just thinking about writing this. I mean what do you even put in a bio? I'm a newborn photography nerd if that wasn't obvious haha, but who am I outside of that? Well, here is my attempt to shed some light on me!
You will often find me editing away or going on adventures with my husband and our boys. I'm a boy mom and no I'm not going for number 3 to try for a girl. While I'm so grateful to have my children, my body does not like being pregnant so our family is now complete. My downtime consists of.... well I'm a mom so there isn't much of that haha but if by chance I come across this magical time I let out my inner nerd for some gaming time or sit down with a good book.
Soooo.... I'm a morning person. There, I said it. Don't look at me like that.😅 It looks similar to the one I get when I try to wake my husband before his alarm goes off. I'm the person that will run out to the store and bring back donuts and coffee with a smile before you are ready to deal with people yet. I get so much done in the morning before my boys rise for the day. This just means that I will have your session ready to go no matter what time we plan for. ;)

My love for baby photography has grown tenfold since having my own little one. Our oldest son, Isaac, is now 6 and our youngest is about to be 1! I will always miss those first few weeks after the birth of our boys. Was I a sleep deprived mom-zombie... yes. BUT I look back at all the moments of holding my little ones the smallest he would ever be and miss it so much. It's in those moments that I knew I wanted to focus on all things baby.
I spent most of my life in the Gainesville area with some time spent up near Jacksonville and in GA as a kid. While FL humidity drives me and my hair insane, this is home. Living in Bronson has been a nice change of pace compared to the city living I have experienced in the past. I'm not even gonna lie though, I do miss late night store options, fast internet and delivery lol. Late night cravings during pregnancies became a challenge of trying to talking hubby into being hungry too, haha!

Family, the only ones that are allowed to drive you crazy and still take up room in your heart. I am all in on family. I believe it takes a village in this life and my village is my everything. My mom is legit my best friend. She raised me to be strong woman and I'm so grateful to have such an amazing example in my life. She had three of us rugrats. I was the first and only until my brother, Evan, was born not long after my 13th birthday. We have long since shared a love of gaming and all things nerdy. He will be turning 19 this year and funny it's funny to think that's how old I was when our littlest brother was born. Now a preteen, he's obsessed with all things music and is a huge fan of the Beatles. Early on he was diagnosed with being on the autism spectrum and that unique brain of his can take in information in a way that leaves me in awe. This has lead to him taking in youtube videos like a boss to learn various instruments and being our little walking wiki with all the random facts he has been able to retain in that young mind.
My husband and I have been together for 15 years now and are currently expecting our last little rugrat. Our son is so excited for his little brother to enter the world! I seriously don't think I'd have gotten baby fever so bad the second time if it wasn't for his cute self asking for a little sibling, his wording not mine lol.
So that's me in the proverbial nut shell! That didn't hurt as bad as I thought it would.😂 If you made it this far, thanks for reading!