There's a LOT that goes into planning a newborn session. But I'm here to help every step of the way.
You've done your homework. You've researched your heart out. You finally booked the photographer that's right for you and you're growing family. Now your photographer is asking what your wants are for newborn session and it can be a bit overwhelming! Many of us newborn photographers have a bit of a prop addiction, haha. This means that we have so many options up for use during your session. So many choices that it can be a really hard decision! BUT, not to worry. Your not in this alone.

Every newborn session that I book receives a custom workflow that goes in line with exactly what the parents love the most. Don't have a clue as to what you want? Not a problem! I send out a questionnaire that gives me lots of information to get started in the prop and posing selection process. Questions such as, are you drawn to bright/bold colors or are neutrals more to your taste? Do you have colors you do NOT want used? Do you have a favorite prop you've seen me use in my work that you simply have to have your adorable bundle in? These are just a few of the questions that really help get the process going.

I have received all different kinds of requests for newborn sessions. Specific colors, favorite poses, incorporate a parents job, showcase an IVF journey, a favorite sports or team, and even this cute little Starbucks inspired photo above! It is a joy to bring together a parents wants for their little ones sessions to life. I welcome any inspiration photos that you have! I never recreate an exact image but will take all the info I gather to create you an image that incorporates all of your likes and wants but with my own spin on it. ;)

So baby has a sibling? No problem! Seeing your older little one(s) with their brand new sibling is such a special moment. I know my heart was not ready for the amount of love I saw the first time my oldest held his brand new baby brother. But what should they wear? Not to worry! After booking with me I send you a prep guide that contains all sorts of tips when it comes to what looks best in photos to create a timeless moment that will last forever. My favorites are neutral or muted outfits that aren't to busy so all of the focus of what matters most, your babies of course!

All that sounds great... but what about parents?? Well, not to worry. My prep guide covers that one too. Along similar lines of siblings, I recommend parents keep it simple with neutrals. Dad's are welcome to match the family or be shirtless. I looooove skin to skin shots. Spaghetti straps or tube tops are a great way to capture that amazing connection of skin on skin for moms. I recommend to keep makeup light and natural. No matter how you feel at the moment, cause lets face it you're probably exhausted with a newborn at home haha, you are gorgeous and glowing and I promise to choose the best angles to showcase exactly that. Parents have few different options for parent posing that I dive into more in my questionnaire. While most don't have a preference, I always recommend a change of clothes if the naked skin to skin posing is your dream family photo. 😉

So that's a bit on how I help my clients help me in creating their unique, one of a kind session. So much truly does go into creating every image but together we can make beautiful photos that you will cherish for a lifetime. Every family is different and I love showcasing that in their final galleries. 🖤